Friday, July 5, 2013

KD Williams here with daily life lessons (3)

Hello readers here is the life lesson for today:

"Live in the moment :)"

When time gets tough we tend to go back to the past to what things used to be like. Remembering the past is ok, but don't lose track of the present. For us who day dream, we tend to get carried away with what could happen instead of what I am doing now. If today you are going to summer school-pay attention don't day dream. You'll never know if your going to use what your teacher says in the future. I know I did. I tend to dream about the future constantly, and sometimes I get lost in my dreams. When I took the time to pay attention to the now-that is when I developed amazing ideas to get to the future I've always dreamed of. If you are going to see a long lost relative today, or having a baby, or getting married, or may fall in love-just remember this moment will NEVER come back- it will live in our memories and the clock won't turn back for anyone. So live in the moment and make the most of it because you'll never know if your going to use this moment in the future.

Helpful tips to live in the moment:

  • Clear your mind from anything that may hinder you to enjoy your time. If you need to be alone for a while or talk things out with a friend then do so. In order to have the best time, you need to have a clear mind.
  • Dream at night. Day dreaming is fun and nothing is wrong with it. But how can you be in the present if your mind is wondering off to the future or the past. Let your imagination expand but don't let it control your life to where you lost touch with reality.
  • Be spontaneous go skinny dipping, go hiking, biking-be active. Meet a stranger, develop a new friendship, learn a new language. When we do new things it requires our full attention because your unsure of what will happen. If you drive to work the same route everyday, then go a different route or car pool. Whatever you do don't get stuck in a routine.

Tune in tomorrow for KD Williams daily life lessons. Now for the random word of the day from the book Rise of Oliria---

Gulin: A neighboring country by Oliria, whose leader wants to take the throne from Queen Jinalie any way plausible- even if it means killing her.

use this word today and let me know what happens :)


  1. I'm a dreamer. After reading this article I'm going to get started with my goals.

    1. Glad to hear that Emily. I hope to inspire many people to live their dreams and never give up!

  2. I showed my friend this post, she says you are going to go far.
    -I agree with her

    1. Thank for you comment it made me even more determined :P
